everdry michigan bbb award winner 2022


  • Uncovering the Most Effective Techniques for Basement Crack Repair
    Uncovering the Most Effective Techniques for Basement Crack Repair (4/18/2024) You might think that repairing a basement crack is a daunting task best left to professionals, but with the right knowledge and tools, it’s something you can tackle yourself. You’ll find that not all cracks are created equal, and understanding the type of crack is crucial to determining the most effective repair method. From simple… Continue Reading
  • Understanding the Importance of Proper Grading in Foundation Maintenance
    Understanding the Importance of Proper Grading in Foundation Maintenance (4/17/2024) Imagine you’ve just invested a significant amount in a beautiful new home. You’re excited about the prospects, but then you start to notice cracks in the foundation. It’s a common problem, one often overlooked until it’s too late. Proper grading, that is the leveling of the ground around your home’s foundation, plays a crucial role… Continue Reading
  • Exploring Eco-Friendly Options for Foundation Repair and Waterproofing
    Exploring Eco-Friendly Options for Foundation Repair and Waterproofing (4/16/2024) Did you know that an estimated 50% of the energy used in homes is wasted due to inefficient insulation and leaking foundations? It’s a startling figure that sends home the urgency of good foundation repair and waterproofing. As you look for solutions, you might want to consider eco-friendly options. Not only do they offer a… Continue Reading
  • Basement Waterproofing: DIY Vs. Professional Services – What's Best?
    Basement Waterproofing: DIY Vs. Professional Services – What’s Best? (4/12/2024) Have you ever wondered whether it’s best to waterproof your basement yourself or hire a professional? You’re not alone. This is a common dilemma faced by homeowners across the globe. There’s a lot to consider, from the costs and time involved to the skills required and the quality of the end result. It’s not a… Continue Reading
  • Exploring the Latest Innovations in Foundation Repair Technology
    Innovative Solutions for Sealing Basement Leaks: What Works Best? (4/11/2024) Sealing basement leaks can feel like a game of whack-a-mole; no sooner have you fixed one, another springs up. You’ve tried traditional methods, but they often fall short of a permanent solution. Now, brace yourself for a foray into the world of innovative solutions which promise not only to seal the leak but to do… Continue Reading
  • Proactive Basement Waterproofing: Shielding Your Home From Moisture Damage
    Proactive Basement Waterproofing: Shielding Your Home From Moisture Damage (4/10/2024) Just as you protect your skin from harmful UV rays, your house from burglars, and your car from theft, you should also safeguard your home from the potential damage caused by basement moisture. It’s not merely a matter of preventing unsightly damp patches or avoiding that musty smell. Left unchecked, basement moisture can lead to… Continue Reading
  • The Role of Drainage Systems in Basement Waterproofing: Key Considerations
    The Role of Drainage Systems in Basement Waterproofing: Key Considerations (4/9/2024) Just as a ship’s captain needs a reliable map to navigate treacherous waters, you need a solid understanding of drainage systems to keep your basement dry and protected. When it comes to basement waterproofing, the role of a well-designed and properly installed drainage system can’t be overstated. It’s the very backbone of any successful waterproofing… Continue Reading
  • Basement Waterproofing Methods Commonly Performed By Professionals
    Basement Waterproofing Methods Commonly Performed By Professionals (4/5/2024) While you might think that basement waterproofing is a task you can tackle on your own, it’s important to remember that professionals bring a level of expertise and know-how that can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. They utilize a variety of techniques, each suited to different types of… Continue Reading
  • Achieving a Leak-Free Basement: Cutting-Edge Waterproofing Method
    Achieving a Leak-Free Basement: Cutting-Edge Waterproofing Methods (4/4/2024) You’ve heard the phrase ‘a stitch in time saves nine,’ right? Well, when it comes to ensuring a dry, leak-free basement, this old adage rings especially true. With the increasing sophistication of waterproofing technologies, you can bid adieu to the nightmare of a flooded basement or the constant dampness that threatens your home’s integrity. This… Continue Reading
  • Crucial Basement Waterproofing Techniques Demystified
    Crucial Basement Waterproofing Techniques Demystified (4/3/2024) Imagine you’ve just spent a fortune renovating your basement into a cozy family room, only to witness a torrential downpour seep through the walls, wrecking your hard work. Such a scenario is, unfortunately, a common misfortune for many homeowners who overlook one crucial aspect – basement waterproofing. As you venture into this discussion, you’ll unravel… Continue Reading